Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reader mail: Urban performance legends

In response to Urban Performance Legends, Revisited, an anonymous reader wrote that I was "too enthusiastic" about the JVM's ability to inline virtual method calls:
Moreover, the example provided is misleading: inlining in java can be generally done for private or final methods. Non-final public and protected methods can't be automatically inlined because they can be overidden by a subclass. The actual type of the object may be unknown at compile time and at load time. The only way to inline them is to analyse the code to find every use of the class and perform type inference. This can be done sometimes with inner classes that have limited scope, but not with public classes that must be compiled indipendentely from each other.

Unfortunately, this is a common myth about optimization in Java (and other dynamically compiled languages): that if a method could be overridden by a class that has yet to be loaded, then the compiler cannot optimize away the virtual function call.  This is just plain wrong (as is the rest of what this reader says), and today's JVMs can devirtualize and inline through virtual calls using a number of techniques. 

One such technique is called monomorphic call transformation, where the compiler observes that for a given method foo(), there is no class loaded right now that overrides it, so calls to foo() can be compiled (speculatively) as direct calls instead of virtual calls.  If a class is loaded later that makes foo() polymorphic, the compiler can invalidate the speculatively optimized code.  This is covered in detail in Dynamic Compilation and Performance Measurement.  There are other techniques as well, such as inline virtual caching. 

The myth that final has any effect on method invocation performance for monomorphic methods was well-exploded by Cliff Click's 2003 and 2005 JavaOne presentations. 

Java (as well as other managed languages, like C#) is not C.  Dynamic compilers are smarter than you think.

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